Le Canzoni di Michael Jackson

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Michael Jackson.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Billie Jean
  2. Thriller
  3. Man In The Mirror
  4. Smooth Criminal
  5. Bad
  6. Beat It
  7. You Are Not Alone
  8. Heal The World
  9. Dirty Diana
  10. Black Or White
  11. We Are The World
  12. Dangerous
  13. They Don't Care About Us
  14. Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
  15. Earth Song
  16. Give In To Me
  17. The Way You Make Me Feel
  18. You Rock My World
  19. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  20. Remember The Time
  21. Human Nature
  22. Love Never Felt So Good
  23. Scream
  24. Rock With You
  25. Who Is It
  1. Liberian Girl
  2. Another Part Of Me
  3. Smile
  4. Ghosts
  5. Will You Be There
  6. Hold My Hand
  7. Speechless
  8. This Is It
  9. Hollywood Tonight
  10. Jam
  11. Stranger In Moscow
  12. Wanna Be Startin' Something
  13. Blood On The Dance Floor
  14. The Lost Children
  15. A Place With No Name
  16. Unbreakable
  17. 2 Bad
  18. Fly Away
  19. For All Time
  20. Gone Too Soon
  21. Leave Me Alone
  22. She's Out Of My Life
  23. History
  24. Speed Demon
  25. Chicago

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